Thank You to all of the Brigade Staff, Battalion Representatives, AFJROTC cadets, MCJROTC, and NJROTC cadets, Cadre and the Georgia Military Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony/ Dinner, and Congratulations to all of this year's inductees and their families!
In attendance: c/COL Moon, c/LTC Goalder, c/MAJ Barefield, c/MAJ Paige, c/MAJ Dehner, c/MAJ Gilyard, c/LTC Thomas, c/LTC Thornton, c/LTC McMann, c/LTC Barron, c/LTC McKean, c/LTC Starr, c/MAJ Haslam, c/CPT House, c/CPT Kayla Yanez, c/CSM Mitchell, and CSU Cadet Intern Savannah Miller